Designed and Manufactured in the UK

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DANLERS Limited is a family owned UK company with a rich heritage of designing and manufacturing innovative, high quality, energy saving, electronic controls from their offices and factory in Chippenham, Wiltshire.

Made in Chippenham, simply saving energy worldwide

In today's climate of growing environmental awareness and rising energy prices, saving energy is more important than ever. At DANLERS Limited, we've been designing and manufacturing electronic energy saving lighting controls in Chippenham for 20 years for both the UK and overseas markets.

At the heart of DANLERS company ethos is maintaining links with the local community. This is achieved by not only keeping all aspects of the company based within its Chippenham HQ including: research and development, production, sales, marketing, technical support and distribution but also in supporting local suppliers and home based outworkers.


Research and Development

All DANLERS energy saving products are designed by our in-house team, from complex electronic circuitry, to the aesthetics and ergonomics of designing easy to install products, suitable for both the commercial and domestic market.

Product Design

DANLERS Research & Development team are tasked with developing next generation products in an industry that is undergoing rapid change due to the influx of LED lighting and digital technology. With new, soon to be released, products in the pipeline and a future product development plan in place DANLERS are well placed to meet the challenges ahead.

UK Manufacturing

We manufacture all our energy saving products in the UK in order to maintain our reputation for quality, innovation and service. We are equipped with the latest technology for fast, efficient and reliable electronics production and testing, complementing our highly professional production staff.

Sales and Marketing

The awareness of DANLERS brand has grown through high profile sales and marketing both in the UK and abroad. The team exhibit at over 20 events a year with their innovative, modular display system enabling customers to interact with the products. This is backed up with advertising and PR campaigns and a distinctive, strong brand image implemented across all marketing materials.

Investment in people & the future

DANLERS have recently implemented a new apprentice training scheme to invest in people for the long term development of DANLERS. Investment in new manufacturing equipment, premises, staff at all levels, training and effective marketing has seen DANLERS ride the recession and come out fitter than ever with record sales without having to compromise on staffing, or on its proud UK manufacturing status.


Programmable Multi Functional Energy Saving Lighting Controls

With potential energy savings of up to 80% in some applications and even greater average energy saving potential than stand alone lighting controls in conjunction with competitive pricing ControlZAPP can keep payback periods to a minimum without compromising safety or end user comfort.

View ControlZAPP
ControlZAPP +

New products at DANLERS









